1. It is widely accepted in the field of exercise physiology as the best cardiovascular exercise known.

2. Cross country skiing uses a large percentage of your muscle mass, and is more efficient and effective than activities using legs alone or arms alone.

3. The low impact nature of the activity reduces impact loading on joints; this is particularly important for individuals with arthritis or joint surface defects.

4. Gliding over uneven surfaces increases your kinesthetic sense, in other words, your body's ability to perceive its location in space.

5. The weight shift in ski-skating and the diagonal stride techniques while gliding on snow increases your balance, and balance is critically important in all sports and as we age to prevent falls.

6. Skiing increases your cardiac output (your heart's ability to pump blood) and increases your oxygen carrying capacity (your body's ability to take in, oxygenate, transport and extract oxygen at the working muscle), or stated another way, increases your cardiovascular fitness.

7. It improves your visual acuity, which is your ability to sense terrain changes and snow undulations in bright and low light conditions.

8. Skiing improves self esteem and confidence. Enjoying a ski will help you feel healthier, happier and more invigorated due to increased blood flow and heightened senses.

9. Its helps cultivate an appreciation for our surroundings and environment. Quality time on a ski trail in glorious winter conditions helps us all appreciate the natural world we often take for granted.

10.Skiing with family and friends is a great bonding opportunity, resulting in stronger friendships and relationships; this reduces stress and provides an opportunity to re-charge our tired batteries

Randy Clark, exercise laboratory manager at UW

Date published: 1/13/2015